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We’re here for you when you need us! Call our office voicemail to schedule an appointment, or send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
When you leave your message, please include the following information to streamline scheduling: your name, preferred office location, insurance carrier, general availability, and a brief explanation of what is bringing you to counseling.
Billing questions? Please call (262) 765-7977.
Please note that we do not offer the following services at this time: prescription medication management.
Main Office:
13035 W Bluemound Rd., Suite 100
Brookfield, WI 53005
New patients: (262) 223-6125

Contact Us: Contact
Please note: You and your individual therapist will discuss how to be reached in between appointments. Your therapist is not on call and might not be available outside of their business hours. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 911, 988, or your county’s crisis hotline: Dodge County (920) 386-4094; Fond du Lac County (920) 929-3535; Jefferson County (920) 674-3105; Milwaukee County (414) 257-7222; Racine County (262) 638-6741; Washington County (262) 365-6565; Waukesha County (262) 548-7666
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